WebCALCE is the largest electronic products and systems research center focused on electronics reliability and is dedicated to providing a knowledge and resource base to support the development of competitive electronic components, products, and systems. WebTraduzione di "in calce" in inglese below on the bottom in the bottom at the foot in lime in the footer Mostrare più I fornitori possono aggiungere ulteriori informazioni in calce all'elenco di cui sopra. Suppliers may include additional information at the end of the above list. Tale impegno sarà scritto in calce al lavoro pubblicato.
Traducción calce al Español Diccionario Italiano-Español - Reverso
WebDec 15, 2009 · #1 this phrase is in a legal letter, I think it must be idiomatic, at least it has no obvious meaning in English legal terms. for fuller context: Definire il PVC così come è stato notificato secondo la procedura di cui all'art.5 bla bla, riportata peraltro in calce allo stesso. I await with baited breath... vmx79 Senior Member Florence Italian WebBuscar Definicion Sinónimos Conjugar Pronunciar Proponer otra traducción/definición calce Más traducciones en contexto: encalado nm., argamasa nf.... Ver más traducciones y ejemplos en contexto para "calce" o buscar más expresiones con "calce": "nota in calce", "calce viva" Diccionario colaborativo Italiano-Español Consulte también: flare nigerian gown
Traduzione calce in Francese Dizionario Italiano-Francese
WebWe asked six West Coasters to try to say some of the most deceptively tongue-twisting place names in Massachusetts. Sure, “Palmer” doesn’t look like much, bu... Webin calce translation Italian-English dictionary Context Search Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition calce [1] sf lime ♦ calce spenta slaked lime ♦ calce viva … Webal que le calce el saco que se lo ponga expr (darse por aludido) if the shoe fits wear it v expr : Espero que hayan pillado mis indirectas en la reunión, y al que le quepa el sayo que se lo ponga. al que madruga Dios lo ayuda expr (hay que ser diligente) the early bird catches the worm expr : a stitch in time save nine expr flare nights lake massasecum